Should I get out of the market?

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Understanding risk and market volatility

When times are uncertain or the stock market is volatile, I will inevitably get asked by someone if they should get out of the market all together. My answer is no. Stocks are a valuable part of your investment portfolio. Owning stocks in different companies can help you build your savings, protect your money from inflation and taxes, and maximize income from your investments. In times of market volatility, there may be an opportunity to invest more and capitalize on the dips that occur when stocks are volatile. At Safe Harbor, we believe with any investment, it helps to understand the risk/return relationship and understanding your own tolerance for risk. In addition to risk tolerance, it is important to understand diversification of your portfolio, which is one of the most important component of reaching long-range financial goals while minimizing risk.

Calculate your risk tolerance

Please take our quiz to determine your risk score to make sure you understand on how your portfolio should be allocated today. Safe Harbor’s experienced team of financial advisors can tailor a portfolio to meet your needs, minimize risk and help you meet your long-term financial goals. If you have any questions or concerns about your current portfolio, please feel free to call us at 614-760-0670 to set-up a complementary no-obligation meeting with us. We can meet face-to-face, conference call or via Zoom. We have 4 locations in Ohio to meet with you and create a financial plan for your unique situation.